That school communities would be places where everyone feels like they belong. Where scholars look out for one another and where they are equipped and motivated to build bridges with one another across difference.

Many South African schools have very diverse student bodies. How do we maximise this gift that we have been given – a rare opportunity to provide our scholars with a foundation for relating to one another across difference. Taking up this opportunity with intentionality also prepares our scholars for life beyond school where ‘collaborating with others, especially those different to you’ is noted as a key 21st century skill.
This doesn’t happen automatically or naturally. It needs input and investment over years. It is an investment worth making!
“Unless we have new relational tools, we will keep recreating the relationship dynamics of the past.”

It is someone who
- notices those who aren’t included and is able to start a conversation
- is comfortable to interact and make connections with people from all different backgrounds
- understands the benefits of being with a wide range of people.

- relational
- all about facilitating meaningful conversations
- community building
- about instilling a curiosity in others
- about welcoming the exploration of one another’s worlds
- truly believing that we are better together